
Sunday, January 31, 2016

Our friend, Pearl


We are often anchored off St. Thomas in the USVI these days, but we have a car and storage on Tortola.  When we make the half day sail up to Tortola we like to call Nanny Cay home base.  Our friend has a boat anchored in the lagoon just across from the docks at Nanny Cay and has extended an...

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Engine Room Vents


Working around rain showers I've been installing engine room vents.  The scare of carbon monoxide leaking from the engine room into the living space of the the boat has Sasha and me taking this project pretty serious. We designated two of the small outboard compartments over the engine room as...

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Almost two years for the start of the big one, the more extreme of all sailing races, and there are already 4 pré entries:-) and as you can see, also a nice teaser. There will be new boats and the main decision in what regards design seems to be about to decide if foils are to be used. They can be used...

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The Wet Corner


Update on the wet corner.  Parts finally arrives to hook up the faucet and spray attachment so Sasha put it all together for me.  Very excited to have a working sink area -- and it's so big!   This is not exactly how the sink area will be used in the day to day operation onboard,...

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The Design Process for Custom Yachts


Tank testing can also be used to test the yacht in various sea states, under power and even at rest. We will normally test appendages such as skegs, stabilizers, propeller struts, and bilge keels for optimization.Contract Design & Engineering PhaseThe goal of this stage is to obtain competitive...

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64' Burger Flybridge Cruiser


I snapped this image of this nice looking Burger today at the Palm Beach Boat Show. The boat was originally launched as Tigertayl, in 1975. She is powered by twin Detroit 8V-71 TI marine diesels for a top speed of 17 knots. This is a variation of design #1944 (there were numerous iterations of this...

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I confess that I have mixed feelings about Comanche, the new Maxi designed by Van Peteghem Lauriot Prévost (VPLP) and Guillaume Verdier: It looks enormous, not only a big sailboat but a huge sailboat, incredibly beamy and needing a very numerous crew. Anything but elegant to my eyes. I like...

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Jump Seats


For months I've been scratching my head on how to make the saloon as multi functional as possible.  We want it to feel big and open, but we also need it to serve as. . .  a place to have meals, possible bunk room for friends who want to crash with us, extra office space for when...

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Finishing up the Fridge Box


After many week of work and mess I'm on the home stretch.  I'm onto fairing the corners and smoothing the seams.  I want things smooth and easy to wipe down for the many washings this fridge will undergo in the future.  In the photo above you can see both of the holes I've cut in the...

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Saturday, January 30, 2016

Design 2731 - Manhattan Sailing Club Dinghy Dock


If you recall, back in 2001-2002 we designed the floating clubhouse for the Manhattan Sailing Club, the Honorable William Wall, The dinghy dock was to be moored in the shallow flats behind and southwest of the Statue of Liberty. The barge was designed to accommodate 7 Lasers, 6 Sunfishes and 12 Optimists...

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Cheers to them that won nice and cleanly the Abu Dhabi in Port race. On the weak wind wins they showed that they are incredibly good sailors. My take is that on this type of boat, with lots of changing of heavy sails they are at disadvantage on stronger and changeable condition; Just less physical power...

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Well, not much, only images but as they say "images are worth more than a thousand words" and through them we can see a very modern sailboat, kind of a cruiser on a 36ft solo open racer hull, a bit as it was already with the 10.50, but the hull is more modern now with chines, a huge form stability and...

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Design 2244 - Siska


We don't have any small scale study plans on hand for this yacht but we're posting an article nonetheless. It's an interesting design. The boat was designed for the famous Australian sailor Principal DimensionsLOA 51'-5"LWL 38'-10"Beam 13'-7"Draft 9'-0"Displacement 31,593 lbsSail Area 1,112 sq...

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Design 1996 - Palawan IV


This is the largest of the S&S Palawans designed for Here are the plans.Principal DimensionsLOA 67'-6"LWL 50'-6"Beam 17'-6"Draft 6'-8" (board up) 13'-7" (board down)Displacement 106,800 lbsBallast 28,200 lbsSail Area 1,926 sq...

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Taking Off!


Sasha snapped this picture just before we took off for the summer. Notice the full laundry lines?  Yeah.  Not how I pictured leaving the boat for summer storage.We planned to leave Tortola on a noon ferry.  This would leave plenty of time to do one last load of laundry - work clothes,...

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Yes, this one is about Nostalgia. I saw on the net an old movie about boat building in England 70 years ago, a movie that contrary to the usual had a good image. I found it interesting and it made me remember the times where that type of boat building was one of the main activities on the fishing town...

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Design 2752 - Aileen


Click here to access a new video by Billy Black about Aileen, the 48' spirit of tradition slo...

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Friday, January 29, 2016

Adding a little more funk


Sasha and I have been going back and forth on what to do with the brow of the pilot house.  Usually on work boats, the brow is painted something bright to stand out.  We both decided we didn't want to go bright, so instead we went funky.  I painted the brow in a variety of different lined...

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Design 5 - Thalia



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Preliminary Design - 112' Performance Sloop


Here's a preliminary design of a 112' performance sloop, that was prepared in 2006. It was based on utilizing the basic engineering of s/y Zingaro, design #2642, but with a lower profile and a different layout. I think it's a great general arrangement plan.Principal DimensionsLOA 111'-7"LWL 91'-10"Beam...

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The Xc45 was the 2009 European boat of the year. I liked the boat as soon I saw it except for two small details, the interior that even high quality looked a bit dated and uncharacteristic and the weight that looked a bit high to me for a 45ft modern boat (13220kg) even in one maximized for cruising....

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Stern Cabinets


We are still in the rough phase of building, but the cabinets are pretty much in place.  I am back in business with a new camera body so I snapped some pics today before we progress much further.  Standing in the the galley looking forward.  On the left is a blank wall that will eventually...

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First Annual Anegada Festival of Paperwork


Yep.  Having fifty friends from the mainland in our backyard for a long weekend was pretty great. Only wish it could have lasted a few more days!    The weekend was well documented by our very talented Shira.    Check out her photostre...

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The Heart of Operations


Probably not what you expected, but yes.  The head is the heart of our living quarters right now.   Things left to do in this room…. I'd like to trim out under the sink to make it look a little more finished and I have tile to hang on the shower wall and the wall behind the toilet...

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